Practices of Looking

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Virtual Avatars

Further to my somewhat disjointed post on advertising and the purchase of products. I began to think about the purchase of video games, as it is possible to lose yourself in an entirely different reality.

Like forums and chatrooms, where anonymity exists to a point where one can create a personality for onesself, an increasing amount video games allow this to be done visually through the creation of an avatar. Although there generally are some limiting factors, such as the type of player your are e.g. Golfer, Soldier, Goblin, but you can specify your own height, weight, body shape, hair colour etc. Therefore, a virtual avatar could be an extension of our personality which provides some degree of emotional resonance.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Steretotypes and Self Image - My views

Here are some of my own notes to go with the concept map that I posted the other day. These arent justified in any way, just what I think..

Stereotypes are often incurred by peer groups, which are often seen as an entry point for those who want to be in that group. e.g. To be known as a chav you need to be seen wearing the correct clothes, hairstyle and attitude for that stereotype.

This is the same way that I feel advertisers market their products, "You will look younger if you buy X product" or "you too could have a girl like the one in the advert if you purchase Y product" This is in an effort to persuade the consumer that they need this product, and when a consumer buys the advertised item they feel better about themselves for various reasons, "this will make me healthier" "This dress makes me look nicer" etc.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Self Image Concept Map

Again, rather preliminary thoughts about self image and methods in which society tends to build it up and knock it down. After all, your self image is, in the most part, not about what you think of yourself, but how other people react and percieve you.

The self image gives a sense of personal identity, and is constituted of self-boundaries; not just spatial boundaries, but all the boundaries that determine the range of the individual's experience, perception, and actions. For example, if someone has a self-image of being weak, they will tend not to do things that they believe require any sort of physical or mental strength.

Factors such as advertising, peer groups and stereotypes have always been the binding factors of self image, and is generally what an individual will look to in order to build or change their own image. In fact, it could be argued that ALL advertising of the purchasing of products is structured to make the individual feel better about him or herself. A pair of jeans that look fantastic on a slim figured model is suggesting that you too can look 'this good' if you buy a pair.

Admittedly not all people buy into this kind of celebrity aspiration an such a public way. I think that it boils down to aspiration, those people who are your role models. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I sometimes wonder who imitates those lowest common denominator celebrities. Someone must..

Another way that people choose to change their self image is by immersing themselves in alternative realities created over the internet. One of the current gaming trends of this type is MMORPG's (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games), these types of game allow the user to connect to a world that is populated (in the majority) with real players from around the world, with whom you can interact, co-operate, battle or socialise as a completely different persona. Your avatar (the self created character image you play in the game) is the only visible component of your personality available to anyone else that you interact with in the game, therefore it is possible to live a completely different life online.

In order to experiment with this idea I have signed up to play one of the leading European MMORPG's, World of Warcraft, where my Night Elf avatar "soothing" will be roaming the realm of Nordrassil.

I was never the Dungeons & Dragons type, but I'll have a go at this. More updates soon.